The PastaFactory

We inspire

By sharing our knowledge, insights, skills and facilities

Now that we have started working in The PastaFactory and entering the market with our vegetable pasta, we would like to share our facilities, knowledge, insights and skills with others in order to get even more people and organizations moving towards a change in the food chain.

The services are focusing on the content, however has also the objective to inspire and create more awareness about the impact of our choices on the food chain and health when developing a new food product or concept.


We are happy to make tailor-made proposals for:

  • A guided tour of The PastaFactory (groups from 6 people to 30 people)
  • Using the facilities of The PastaFactory like for example, product/concept development or team building
  • Guiding workshops for innovation and concept/product development with your organization or team
  • External presentations, work sessions or guest lectures about fruit & vegetable chains (including residual flows and processing), basic techniques in pasta making and inspiration & skills for concept/product development.


Also we offer support in food product- and concept development, for example:

  • Joint development process for foods where fruits and vegetables are an important part of the recipe
  • Testing your raw materials (from residual flows or local chains, for example) in various food applications

See also:

Getting in touch

We are always open for contact, collaborations and a good conversation. You can reach us via:


Korte Eeweg 2F-G

4424 NA Wemeldinge

region Zeeland

The Netherlands


+31 (0)6 46 00 59 70

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